Short Story Contest Winner Announcement!
Good evening! This post is to let everyone know that the winner of our short story contest is Wine! No, not the beverage, the person! If I had his given name, I’d share it with you, but all I know him by is his email and forum name of Wine. Of all the submissions we received, we thought that his achieved its aims the best, and we had a great time reading it. Great job, Wine! Congrats!
We want to thank everyone who entered the contest, though. All of the short stories we received were read and discussed with zeal, and I can only hope that the next time we decide to do this again or something like it, we can have this level of excitement. You folks made this a big success for us.
Again, congratulations, Wine, on your win! Come back soon, and we will have the short story posted here on the site. Just look to the top of the page for the link once we have it posted.