The Dead Robots' Society

Writers on Writing

Month: April 2008

[Graham]: The news from Poughkeepsie

Graham wrote: Slightly behind the times, I thought I should spread the word of the News from Poughkeepsie, a new project from the Mighty Mur Lafferty. To quote the Murster herself: I’m going to blog an idea a day for…


[Justin]: It’s true what they say…

Justin wrote: … art is never finished, only abandoned. That becomes more real to me every time I read my work. No matter how many times I go over it and make changes, I learn something new or realize something, and…



Amanda wrote: Lovely day at work today. There’s a lot to be said for good weather and the presence of friends. 🙂 I’m thoroughly exhausted, and not really looking forward to tomorrow much, but I’ll cope. This week will be…


[Justin]: A Saturday movie night

Justin wrote: My wife is a good woman. She works hard, she takes care of me and the pets, and she shoulders so much responsibility silently. So, a little while ago, I told her that she needed to take some…


Buy Scott Sigler’s novel and get “Infected”

Hey, folks. As some of you may or may not know, Scott Sigler recently had his first mass-market book released upon the public. The success of this novel will have ramifications far beyond himself, and I’m calling upon all of our listeners to support him. Thankfully,…
