Episode 86 – Balticon Panel on Multi-Voiced Podcasting
Sorry this week we don’t have a new discussion episode. I suffered a death in my family, and the guys were kind enough to give me the time I needed to deal with it. And, fortunately, PG had more audio from Balticon to share. This was a panel about creating and handling a mutilple-voiced podcast production. It was called “Hearding Cats,” which is entirely appropriate. If you’re interested in doing podcasts of your fiction, and you want more voice than just your own, give this a listen. Thank you, and enjoy!
P.G. Holyfield
Paulette Jaxton – Form Letter Rejection Theatre Podcast
This is my absolute favorite episode. Thank you for recording and sharing it! I learned a lot.
Dharma, we live to serve.
i have a podcasting website and i got some good deal of subscribers too.;.