RSS feed not available

This morning when I woke up I noticed that our RSS feed was having an issue. I sent an email to the folks at podHoster and they informed me that they were aware of the issue and were working to resolve it. Thus far I haven’t heard anything new regarding the problem, and my emails are having difficulty making it through. I will continue to try and suss out what’s going on as the day progresses. When I have further news I will post it here immediately. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Well, it’s not almost midnight in my neck of the woods, and podHoster is still having trouble. They seemed to have it licked earlier in the evening, but when I tried to upload a special edition episode it was down again. I have no idea what all is going on, and I apologize for that. PodHoster has been an amazing host since we signed on with them over two years ago, but if they don’t get this issue sussed out by tomorrow then I will begin looking for a new hosting service. Luckily for you you won’t have to do anything. All you’ll notice is that suddenly older episodes are popping up like they’re new again. I’m hoping I won’t have to do that, though, since I recently went through a lot of time and trouble getting all of our episodes put into the feed and our archive page up to date. Cross your fingers for us.


Things seem to be sorted for now. Let’s all hope it stays that way.

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