Episode 207 – Indie Publishing With John Mierau

This week Justin and Terry talk with John Mierau about writing, podcasting, the importance of social media, and crowd funding.We hope you enjoy the conversation, and please send feedback!

John Mierau’s website, Twitter, Facebook page, and Google+ page.

And here is John’s Indiegogo campaign page. We highly encourage you to help support this talented and giving storyteller.

This week’s promo – The Weekly Podioplex, a podcast about movies from the Chronic Rift Network.

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2 Responses

  1. I do most of my writing on my Blackberry. I have come to love “thumbing” (typing with my thumbs) and I can write at least as fast as I can with a pen on paper. Another way I use my phone to write is on my commute in my car with a speech to text app. I can get 500+ words each way. It’s not a lot, but it’s time I can spend writing. Dragon for Email is free, and if your device doesn’t support that then try Vlingo which is also very good. I have an easy drive on a high way that’s not crowded – I hit cruise control and 45 minutes passes me by before I know it. This is also where I get most of my reading done via podcast novel and audio books. I write on my phone out of necessity. On those rare occasions where everyone is taking a nap on the weekends or my wife is out with friends on a weeknight. When I can I love using the free app “Darkroom” to write with on our laptop. My free time is very limited because we have 3 kids 3 years old and under, my wife coaches high school gymnastics, and I work full time. Thankfully her coaching is seasonal. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but this is the busiest time of my life. It’s also the time where I’ve committed to take writing seriously and use all my free time to write. I don’t play video games anymore. I only watch TV when hanging out with my wife or creating art. The last thing I’ll say is that I have found many people to say that once they’re home full time and they seem to have all the time in the world – they actually get less writing done. I’ve heard this to be true for both Mur Lafferty and Nathan Lowell. I have also heard the phrase that busy people get more done. It’s a weird thing but it seems to have some validity. Anyways, sorry for such a long comment. I really enjoyed the show, and it was cool to hear that two others writers I look up to also find their phones to be handy devises for getting the words on the page, or screen. Peace out and keep the awesome episodes coming you crazy Dead Robots! Dan out.

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