Episode 215 – In Suspense With Katia Lief
This week the Robots chat with suspense author Katia Lief about her books, her method, writing workshops, using pen names, and what her experience has been in publishing her own back catalog. Enjoy!
“Why Women Read More Than Men” article mentioned in the show
This week’s promo – http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1723504596/the-dark-wife-audiobook by the fine folks at The Way of the Buffalo Podcast
In the show we wondered aloud what the definition of a novelette is. Here is a link to the Hugo Awards Categories description page: http://www.thehugoawards.org/hugo-categories/
It defines a novelette as 7,500 to 17,500 words. Novellas are above that count up to 40K. Short stories are less than 7,500.