Book Reviewers Needed

Here at the Dead Robot offices we’re proud of all the fine authors and publishers that we’ve been able to bring on our show to share their knowledge and insight with you, our listeners and fellow writers. A rather recent development, however, is the sudden influx of books sent us by publishers that they’d like to have reviewed by our site. Now, I’m already a slow reader as it is, and I know my co-hosts are up to their necks in writing, podcasting, publishing, and everything else, so I’m hoping that some of you out there might be able to help. If anyone would be interested in reviewing a book for the site, check back here (or check our Facebook page) from time to time, and I will post up the books we have available for review. Then, if it seems like a book you’d like to read and review, reach out to let me know. I’ll send the book to you, and all I ask is that you read and send me a review in a reasonable (like a week or two) amount of time. Oh, and of course the book is yours to keep as well. So there you go. It helps us, it helps the kind publishers who send us these books, and it helps you fill out your bookshelf. That’s what we call win-win-win. 🙂

Right now I have four paperback books on my desk. They are:

SONG OF THE SERPENT (A Pathfinder book) by Hugh Matthews

CITY OF THE FALLEN SKY (A Pathfinder book) by Tim Pratt

BLOOD OF THE CITY (A Pathfinder book) by Robin D. Laws

POD by Stephen Wallenfels

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7 Responses

  1. Wow, we already have three of the books assigned! That leaves BLOOD OF THE CITY. That’s also the latest book we were sent, so that works out. Let me know if you want it! First come, first served.

  2. I am interested in writing a review, however I am currently stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Can I still receive a book and submit a review?

  3. I already write booki reviews and put them on both amazon sites, barnes and noble, goodreads, smashwords and facebook and twitter. perhaps you could advise if you get any for review Thanks

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