The Dead Robots' Society

Writers on Writing

Month: June 2022

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions 

Download DRS Episode 613 Paul and Terry are struggling with changes to their schedules and long range plans. Please visit our sponsor, Corpse Coffee (, and check out their boutique teas, coffees, and their webcomic. Enjoy the show? Consider becoming…


Audio Plans, Genre Hell, and Duds

Download DRS Episode 612 Paul discusses the future of his audiobooks and Terry brings up the hell of genres. Please visit our sponsor, Corpse Coffee (, and check out their boutique teas, coffees, and their webcomic. Enjoy the show? Consider…


Change, Aliens, and Story

Download DRS Episode 611 Paul and Terry face changes, we talk about how to deal with aliens, and yack about story. Please visit our sponsor, Corpse Coffee (, and check out their boutique teas, coffees, and their webcomic. Enjoy the…


Kickstarters, Hard Sci Fi, and Social Evolution

Download DRS Episode 610 Paul and Terry discuss fiction Kickstarters, hard versus light sci-fi, or hand-wavium, and the future of humanity. Things go awry. Please visit our sponsor, Corpse Coffee (, and check out their boutique teas, coffees, and their…
