The Dead Robots' Society

Writers on Writing

Month: March 2008

[Graham]: More photography than writing

Graham wrote: I’ve just noticed that the photography category on this blog has 105 entries and the writing category has 130 (including this post). For a blog that’s supposed to be primarily about writing that’s not so good. I’ll have…


[Amanda]: Back again

Amanda wrote: Well, if any of you have been wondering where I am, I got sick. Yes, AGAIN. Gah. Though I think this time it might have been more allergy than germ related, since I contracted my “illness” on Wednesday…


[Graham]: Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Rest in Peace

Graham wrote: From BBC News: British science fiction writer Sir Arthur C Clarke has died in Sri Lanka at the age of 90… Sir Arthur’s vivid – and detailed – descriptions of space shuttles, super-computers and rapid communications systems were…



Amanda wrote: Episode #27 of DRS has been successfully recorded and by recorded I mean we now have even more material for that bloopers reel we’re eventually going to do. 🙂 In all seriousness, though, it was a good show,…
