The Dead Robots' Society

Writers on Writing

Month: October 2008

[Justin]: Get out and vote

Justin wrote: I’m not going to make a speech. By now you’ve all heard just about everything you can hear about the upcoming election, and there is little I can do to sway you one way or the other. And,…


[Amanda]: mandaray

Amanda wrote: Well, my lovely ten day vacation has come to an end, and I’m back to work. I don’t really mind. Today was good, aside from the fact that my partner in crime has been suspended and I haven’t…


[Justin]: Returning to “Harbinger”

Justin wrote: I’m back to work on “Harbinger” now. I’ve had a friend of mine, Terry (also a co-host on the podcast), looking it over for me, and this weekend he gave me the last of his notes. This morning…


[Amanda]: mandaray

Amanda wrote: Hello? Why, yes, I AM writing to you from my vacation! Hahahaha! OK, so technically I haven’t left yet, but EVEN SO. I am planning. Lists are being written. Eventually, there will be packing. I only wish I…


[Amanda]: mandaray

Amanda wrote: Orange Box finally arrived yesterday. I was such a happy little gamer geek, staying up until midnight to shoot virtual people in the head. I also got to see Iron Man at last. Dad got it via Netflix…


[Amanda]: mandaray

Amanda wrote: For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. For some reason, every time I have a good day at work, it is immediately followed by a completely shitty one which totally throws off my groove and…
