This is a panel from Con-Jour 2010 about world building in science fiction.
Promo – The Boom Effect Auction! We have an item up for bid, so please come visit!
This is a panel from Con-Jour 2010 about world building in science fiction.
Promo – The Boom Effect Auction! We have an item up for bid, so please come visit!
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4 Responses
Interesting arguments about whether or not a person would die from pathogens on another planet.
One thing I was left still wanting to know is how much research I need to do while creating the topography and geology of my world. I ran across one website that listed so much detail about wind patterns and how vegetation and climate are affected, that I’m a little overwhelmed. Anyone find a way to create a map without taking a course in geology/meterology?
Tim, for one, I think you only need to work on those things if they are an actual part of your story. If the weather or the landscope doesn’t factor in, then why bother? But if it does, then only research it insofar as you need it. If you’re story is about one particular place and it’s rainy, then limit would you do to just that. If you need more, then research more.
As for making a map, I think the best thing you can do is take a look at a map of our own world, look for those aspects of it that interest you, and figure out WHY they interest you. Look at how topology mirrors or guides rivers, look at how one continent’s shape fits another, and see how an ocean’s currant shapes the coast. Use what you know to make what you don’t.
Please, please, please for the love of god
could you maybe hint to any panelists before any recordings that
when they chew gum, or throat drops or whatever,
to either
1. Not do it at all
2. Not do it into the mic all through other people’s speaking.
Is it not noticeable to the audience? It certainly carries through headphones. 🙂
Same goes for tapping pens on the table next to a mic, or onto a mic, or whatever.
I know it’s kinda out of your control, maybe, but I just realized
that I’ve never heard this kind of thing in any of the other podcasts or panel
talks I listen to. Perhaps participants are usually warned about this? Or
just know better from experience. And I suddenly gain an appreciation for the lack of distraction in other panel talks.
I certainly sympathize as a chronic fidgeter and throat-drop-a-holic! But I do refrain from such things when I give presentations, talk on the phone, and the like. What’s the deal?
I’d love to listen more panels but I can’t handle what sounds like someone chewing a cough drop into both of my ears. 🙂
Hopefully that wasn’t an issue in the other recordings. I’ll also be vigilant for it when I record panels in the future. Good call/