Ray Gun Revival – Issue #57
Here it is folks, the final issue of Ray Gun Revival being published with Double-edged Publishing. It is the end of an era, as they say, but not the end of RGR. Here are the words of Johne Cook to better tell you what their next step will be…
So what is RGR going to do? We’ve gone back and forth. We were definitely going to go forward on our own, and then were definitely going to fold. I am happy to report that we have reconsidered that stance. It is simply too much fun being an Overlord. So here’s what we’re going to do. We have set up the normal social networking presences: we’re rgrzine on Twitter and Gmail, and we have an RGR group on Facebook. We’ll probably switch that over an RGR page. We’re going to be an HTML-based zine. We’re planning on going 4theluv at this point instead of looking for advertising or subscriptions for the simple reason that it’s easier that way. We don’t have to worry about collecting or paying money, and we don’t have to worry about reporting anything. We’ve run RGR pretty lean and mean so far, and we’re going to be even more stripped down after this.
And there you are. RGR is changing with the times, but they aren’t giving up, and I hope they see even more success in the months and years to come. Thank you, RGR editorial staff, for all you’ve done and all you will continue to do. God speed to you.
Thanks, Justin, and thanks to DRS for being such great supporters of space opera through the years.
RGR will return!
Overlord Phy (Johne Cook)