As most people know, Podiobooks is THE place to go to get the greatest and latest in podcast fiction, and for years they’ve been doing it all free of charge. But, because of rising costs, they’ve put out the call asking for people to donate — or become a patron — of Working through PayPal, you can become a patron of for the price of $4.99 a month. In addition to the warm glowy feeling that comes from being selfless and doing something good, you’ll also get a monthly email highlighting the “best of” from the prior month. Find out what’s worth your attention, and why. I hope all of our listeners takes up the call and does what they can to help this site that has done so much for so many.
What The **** Is That?
What would aliens actually look like? Are they carbon-based? Arsenic-based? Silicon? What about their chirality? Do they have DNA? The
One Response
Thanks for spreading the word, Justin. And for being a long time and tireless supporter!