Episode 282 – For Love Or Money

This week the Robots chat around the table about writing for the love versus writing for the money, and what it means to try and be commercial. We hope you enjoy the conversation!

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4 Responses

  1. Hey gang — just listened to this episode and I have some comments / feedback…

    Justin — with respect to continuing to edit or writing a short story (money / love)… why can’t you do both? I don’t know about you, but I can’t spend more than an hour or two on actual words-on-page writing or editing every day.

    While I respect that you have other obligations through the day, surely you can find the time to dedicate the mental energy to both projects concurrently?

    Paul — your issues resonated with me. Hopefully this helps:

    1) Don’t think of Garaaga’s Children as a series. Think of it as a storyworld. My definition of a storyworld is: a milieu, including settings, characters, through lines, background and other elements, shared by a variety of stories told in a variety of media.

    Some key related concepts: assuming you have your storyworld arc all worked out, you don’t need to write these things in sequence (as it sounds like you mostly are). I would focus first on the series within the storyworld that are more popular and more accessible.

    2) You don’t have to write it all. You’re building a storyworld — a creative franchise. I understand, very well, what it’s like to have more stories in a storyworld than you could possibly write (in fact, I’m building four storyworlds… pity me). The thing is, you don’t have to be the one actually writing all of ’em.

    Find collaborators who are specifically suited to certain stories, and arrange deals with them. You get to build your franchise and fill the holes in the storyworld’s framework while focusing most of your creative energy on writing the stuff that’s currently most viable.

    Finally… I was going to ask why it is that nothing comes up when I search “garaga’s children” in amazon.com, and then I realized it’s spelled with a double “a.” I realize maybe you’re trying to avoid confusion with an anime from the eighties, but I think the double vowel could be losing you sales..!



  2. Terry,

    You mentioned in episode 282 that you know a paranormal author who has three distinct but related series of books written in three time periods (past, about 200 years ago; contemporary; and future). I think you said she writes those under different names too. Could you point me to those series? I’d like to check them out. Thank you!

  3. Sorry for the delay in responding. I very rarely look at the web site.

    The series in the Arcane Society.

    The novels set in Victorian times are by Amanda Quick. The ones in the modern times are by Jayne Ann Krentz. The ones set in a future world but linked to the other books are by Jayne Castle.

    Here is a link where the author talks about it.


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