The Dead Robots' Society

Writers on Writing

Month: June 2008

The Forums Strike Back! (Episode 40)

** click HERE to listen ** Hello everyone, and welcome to our latest show. This week, even though Justin is under the weather, he and Ryan sit down together to discuss a variety of topics from the forum. So, settle in, and…


[Amanda]: Breathing space

Amanda wrote: After working another long week, (38 hours this time) I finally have a little room to breathe. I’ve got the next three days off to rest and recuperate, plus I’m taking some time off next week to go…


[Graham]: The problem of getting things done

Graham wrote: The trouble I find with projects, particularly daily projects, is that they’re bloody hard to keep doing sometimes. Mur Lafferty has had the problem with The News From Poughkeepsie. JR Blackwell, who’s doing a 365 days photography project…
