The Dead Robots' Society

Writers on Writing

Month: February 2009

We’re now on Twitter

All of the hosts are on Twitter, but I figured it would be a good idea to create a Twitter account for the show. That way I could put out tweets about when we’re recording, who we might have on,…


Politics as usual must stop

As the other hosts have their blogs aggregated here, but I don’t have a blog of my own, I’m posting my thoughts directly here. I don’t blog because I think I should only say something in one that is important…


[Justin]: Finally, a brain burst!

Justin wrote: Argh, since losing my job I’ve had the hardest time getting my head back into a writing mode. One day I’ll wake up ready to sit down and hammer those keys, and other days I’ll look down at…


This week’s show

Well, it looks like tonight might just be me and… me. We had an interview lined up, but they said they need to reschedule, and so far they haven’t gotten back to me as to what date and when. So,…


We’re in our new home!

Well, it looks like the server move went off nearly without a hitch. Matt Selzick has been a dream to work with on this, and I know we didn’t pay him nearly enough for all the effort he put in…


Server Move Coming

Hey, everybody! Justin here. Well, it looks like we’re about ready to move the site and the forums to a new hosting location. Hopefully, if the techno-gods are pleased with my offerings, then you shouldn’t notice anything. If you do,…
