Episode 270 – Become Enchanted With Alethea Kontis
Folks, you are in for a real treat this week as we robots sit down to chat with author Alethea Kontis about her novel ENCHANTED,
Please note: episodes previous to October 14th, 2024 are not available from this page. Please use the archives button on the homepage or visit our YouTube Channel.
Folks, you are in for a real treat this week as we robots sit down to chat with author Alethea Kontis about her novel ENCHANTED,
This week the Robots chat with authors David Wood and Alan Baxter about their joint new short novel, DARK RITE. We discuss collaborative writing, publishing,
This week the Robots chat with Marion Jensen to talk about his interesting fan fiction Kickstarter campaign called Massive Fiction. Fan fiction is a great
This week the Robots are joined by Lauren “Scribe” Harris to talk about writing to and for the opposite gender. What stereotypes should be avoided,
This week the Robots talk about back cover blurbs. These are important marketing tools that no author should ignore. This week’s promo – Garaaga’s Children: